RVU 101: What is a Relative Value Unit?

If you are in the medical profession, you have undoubtedly heard of RVUs. But what is a Relative Value Unit? This blog post will discuss what RVUs are, how they are calculated, and how they are used in the medical field.

What is a Relative Value Unit?

A Relative Value Unit (RVU) is used to calculate the value of a physician’s services. It considers the time, intensity, and skill required to provide the service. This can be helpful for both physicians and patients when trying to understand how much a particular service costs.

RVUs are determined by the Relative Value Scale (RVS), created by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The RVS assigns a relative value to every CPT code based on its resource utilization. That means each code has a weight that reflects the number of resources it takes to provide the service.

How do RVUs work?

The relative value is multiplied by a conversion factor, which CMS sets to get the RVU for that code. This number is then used to calculate the payment amount for a particular service. The conversion factor changes each year and takes into account such factors as inflation and wage growth.

RVUs are used in medical billing to help ensure that physicians are compensated fairly for their services. They also allow patients to understand better how much a particular procedure will cost them out-of-pocket.

By using RVUs, both physicians and patients can be assured that they get the best value for their money.

How to Learn How to Use RVUs

Medical billing courses will teach you everything you need to know about RVUs and how they are used in medical billing. If you’re interested in a career in medical billing, then this is something you will definitely want to learn. Check out our courses, and our program will teach you everything you need to know about RVUs and how they are used in the medical profession.

Medical billing is a critical part of the medical profession. To ensure that physicians are compensated fairly for their services, it is essential to have certified professionals in this field.